There are many reasons to visit New York, such as the retail opportunities, the awe inspiring architecture, the entertainment and the atmosphere. Increasingly, however, people are visiting New York to visit the areas of historic significance, something which has not always been the case due to the reasonably young nature of the country. Below are some of the places of

Staten Island – In the days before immigration laws were introduced, boat loads of people would arrive on this island to begin their new life in New York. Iconic images show people arriving on boats packed to the rafters, many of them without knowing a word

Apollo Theater in NYC

Apollo Theater in NYC

of English.

Statue of Liberty – This is one of the most iconic structures in New York. It is famed as being the first sight that people would see when arriving on boats to Staten Island and is therefore associated with freedom and hope. The visitor can climb to the top of the statue to enjoy glorious views of the city.

Ground ZeroOn one of the most horrific days in modern history, two passenger planes were hijacked and flown into the iconic Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. The consequent collapse of the towers left a gaping hole in the city which is a place of homage for all those touched by the events of the day.

Apollo Theatre – As buildings in New York go, this is one of the oldest and is admired as an feat of engineering.  Learn more about the Apollo Theatre in NYC.